I'm not going to lie! I love the snow. To be fair, I may not love as much, it if we were like some other countries that had snow for a nearly the whole season, but its rare on the Kent coast, or when it does, its usually just a dusting.
So you can imagine how happy I was when I walked out of church last week, to find the path with a beautiful covering. My joy, just kept coming, as each time I asked Alexa "will it snow today", she answered back with a higher percentage and more depth.

Its been a week today, since the snow came, and its still here a little, but definitely on its way out, especially as the rain is due back tomorrow. So let me share with you a couple of photos of this past week.

As you can see, the bears absolutely loved it.
The shop looked like something from a Christmas movies. Honestly, I couldn't have been happier.

I've really loved it, and glad we had some this year, as I don't think its snowed properly here for a good few years, but I'm now ready for it to go. I'm now thinking of spring and work that would be needed on the garden and allotment.